After a bit of a roundabout route and a last minute dash I've made it to the 23rd thing! I'm really glad I tried out all the things, even if it would not use all of them again. I'm not planning to use LinkedIn in the near future or delicious. It is good to know they are there and how they work, maybe they will be useful one day. I'm keeping my iGoogle page and will try to build up my RSS feeds - all the 23 things feeds will disappear so I can add some more library blogs.
It has been useful to find out more about how other libraries use web 2.0 and has made me think about how tools can be used in a library setting. It was also nice to do the activities as a good and has been a good talking point in the office. I am grateful for the assistance provided by my colleagues when I got stuck! Hopefully this knowledge will be useful when I go to study at UWE in the autumn.
Congratulations on finishing! Glad you found it useful!